Free Workshop: The Journey of Coming Back Home To Self

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Janine Williams who will go over three ways to connect with yourself on a deeper level and end with a guided visualization meditation, which will connect you back home to yourself on a deeper level.  Everyone's experience will be different.

Janine Williams is a certified Empowerment Coach and Energy Healer who specializes in working with moms, teachers, nurses, and other front-line heroes who are[beyond] exhausted and have lost their sense of themselves. She guides her clients back home to self, where they will regain their energy, love for life, inner peace, and inner power while opening the channels to their intuition. Having to overcome life-altering challenges of her own and learning how to create the life she desired by going deep within.  Janine decided to go back to school in 2019 to become a certified Health and Life Coach, and earning her Mastery as an Empowerment Coach, and Energy Healer has given her the tools to help others do the same. Today Janine offers individual services and is creating group programs where she will be able to assist even more people in coming back home to themselves.

Personal facts:  Janine lives in Valrico, Florida, and is married to her soul mate, Mike, for the past 17 years, and they have 2 sons, Alexander and Adam.

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