10 Tips to Beat the Winter Blues

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Here in Toronto, we are getting our first real snowfall of the winter.  While I prefer warmer weather, the snow puts me in the mood for the upcoming holidays.  I’m SO ready to put up the Christmas Tree!

Given the year we’ve had and the fact that it’s snowing in November, I figured this is an excellent time to talk about the Winter Blues.  We all experience it at some point.  It seems to happen every year as we hunker down for long, bleak days.  With all the lockdowns, we might feel the blues a bit more these days.

Perhaps these ten tips can help you beat the winter blues.  Do you have any additional tips to add to this list?

1. Vitamin D3

Due to its effects on hormones in the body, Vitamin D may affect your mood by improving your sense of well-being.  It can be highly effective in high doses such as 1000-5000 IU for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).  Your doctor can check Vitamin D levels by performing a simple blood test.

2. Light therapy or Sunlamp

As little as 15 minutes of light therapy treats the cause of SAD without any side effects.

3. Rest and Hibernate

Go to bed early, reduce stressful activities, and say no to making other people happy.  Instead, make yourself happy! 

4. Eat Warming Foods

Foods like soups, stews, and curries will warm you up and tend to make you feel cozy.  You can also drink hot chocolate and tea.

5. Go Outside

Go outside to get fresh air and sun, when available.  Do outdoor activities like ice skating, walks, skiing, and sledding.

6. Laugh

Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, trigger endorphins, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Laughing with others is even more powerful than laughing alone.  Due to Covid, it’s hard to meet up with friends, but you can virtually get together for a laugh.  You can also watch improv or stand-up comedy on TV. 

7. Warm Yourself Up

Hot tubs are great for stimulating blood flow and helping you relax.  If you don’t have access to a hot tub, take a warm bath with Epsom salts.

8. Move

Try to do movement every day that gets you sweaty.  With Covid, it’s hard if you typically go to the gym.  Try working out at home or go for a run or a brisk walk.  Have sex!

9. Look Good

Wear great looking, vibrant colored, well-fitted winter clothes to keep warm without feeling dumpy even if you’re going to the grocery store!

10. Take up a New Hobby or Learn Something New

Learn something new like singing, knitting, journaling, learning a language, or writing a blog. What’s important is that you have something inciting and motivating to do.


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