webinar Renay Roberts webinar Renay Roberts

Free Workshop: A Few Kind Words

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Tracey Gates as she shares the energizing, uplifting, and connecting power of writing unexpected letters of appreciation.

Tracey believes that our relationships are the most important things in our lives. When we connect with one another we become the best version of ourselves. Are you ready to experience the contagious positive energy of kindness through the written word?

Tracey's vision is to let people everywhere know that they matter through writing unexpected letters of appreciation. When we share our kind thoughts, we feel happier, calmer, and more joyful. The lucky letter recipient experiences the same empowering sensations. So....why don't we share our kind thoughts more often? Tracey will share stories from her incredible year-long journey where she wrote an unexpected letter of appreciation to a different person every day for one year and how it changed her life in the most beautiful ways and can change yours too! She will empower you to open up to this simple and overlooked way of life that asks you to simply let people know what you appreciate, admire or love about them. No special degree is needed. What her journey taught her is that every person in this world wants to feel noticed, and when we help people feel noticed, the world shines more brightly. Let's make kindness intentional together and feel exuberant along the way.

Tracey is a certified Life and Wellness Coach through the Health Coach Institute. Her passion for nurturing relationships has been a lifelong study. Through her compassionate listening and deep sense of empathy, Tracey helps people become aware of their possibilities. She creates a warm and safe environment for people to show up and open up on a journey of transformation. In addition to personal coaching, Tracey is dedicated to spreading her message of kindness through her workshop called A Few Kind Words, creating contagious positive energy through writing unexpected, handwritten letters of appreciation.

She has been an active community leader and volunteer for decades in the Princeton, NJ area. She served for many years on the Boards of Trinity Counseling Service, Save - A Friend to Homeless Animals and Pretty Brook Tennis Club. Her work as a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate for foster children) and her role as the Director of Alumni Relations at Princeton Day School have fostered her deep commitment to helping people feel empowered and appreciated.

Tracey believes that our relationships are the most important things in our lives. She is nourished and sustained everyday by her husband, children, grandsons, friends and pets.

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Free Workshop: Permission to Put Yourself First

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Amber Jenson who will show us how to put ourselves first in our lives.

Does your life feel out of balance? Are you tired of being tired? Are you willing to embrace the fact that taking care of YOU is NOT selfish and that taking care of you will actually allow you to give more to others? If you said yes, then this workshop will inspire you to start taking action to re-balance your life to feel energized and happy.

In this 1-hour experiential workshop you will:

• Clearly identify where your life is out of balance so you can figure out where to put your focus first

• Discover how to let go of feeling guilty for taking time for YOU

• Create a clear plan of how to start taking care of YOU so that you can start having more energy and joy in your life

Amber is a certified Life and Health Coach and speaker helping busy professionals finally take some "me time" without feeling guilty so they can get their energy back and feel happy again. With a background in Human Resources, a master's degree in Psychology, and experience with many energy techniques, including a certification in Reiki, Amber has a keen sense of human behavior and habit change. Amber loves being in nature and hiking with her family.

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Free Workshop: Fierce Inner Growth

Join me as I welcome guest speaker, who will speak about Fierce Inner Growth.

Rachel has a passion for empowering women and helping them find their unique voice. She believes that all women are worthy and deserving of self-love and healthy relationships. Rachel values making this journey accessible and fun so that her clients can achieve their highest potential. Her own journey of self-work makes her an open, understanding, and supportive coach. It’s all about fierce inner growth!

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Free Workshop: Lonely and Confused

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Dawn Berry who will speak about taking single-parent empty nesters from where they are to a place of empowerment, living the life they truly desire.

As a single parent at 25, Dawn was challenged to bring her daughter up in an environment where she wasn't labeled as coming from a single-parent household. When her daughter left, it was like a part of her heart left, too, especially when Dawn found out she was in an abusive relationship. It has taken a great deal of willpower for Dawn to allow her daughter to make mistakes and still be there for her. It has been a very enlightening journey that she knows everyone can emerge from.

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Free Workshop: Breaking Free from Emotional or Stress Eating – Finding Freedom

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Melissa Rohlfs who will teach us how to break free from emotional or stress eating and find freedom from food.

Melissa is a certified holistic health and life coach helping busy women break free from sugar and stress/emotional eating so they can be calm, confident, and in control. Around food. Around sugar. In stressful situations. In their bodies. In their life. She is committed to empowering women to break free from dieting, emotional eating, and self-image issues so they can ditch the diet mentality and feel empowered in their own skin.

After her own tumultuous history with food {withholding and then later in life, bingeing}, she learned how to deal with the core issues around her broken relationship with food. As a result, she felt called to go to school and learn to teach other women how to do the same. She graduated from the Health Coach Institute as a Holistic Health and Life Coach in 2018 and is the proud owner of Free 2 B Coaching. She is a proud Boilermaker alumna living in Tucson with her husband, Chad, and two kiddos.

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webinar Renay Roberts webinar Renay Roberts

Free Workshop: How To Have A Long-Lasting Romantic Relationship

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Ana Ruiz as she explains the four pillars of having a long-lasting romantic relationship.

After years of failed relationships, while being successful in her career and financially independent, all she could see was more of the same in her future. But she was determined to change that, so she found Jayson Gaddis to teach and mentor her. She went back to school for the fourth time in her life and became a founding student at The Relationship School®. This work transformed her relationship with herself and others, inviting a whole new way of relating that feels better than anything she ever dreamed possible. Her heart became open to love in ways that invite even more love into her life.

Then something wonderful happened. She met a great man, and together they have been creating an amazing life partnership based on trust, safety, love, fun, passion, and full acceptance of each other, and it occasionally shines the light, uncomfortably, where she needs to grow. This is what she’s been wanting most of her life! She couldn’t imagine not sharing this kind of deep transformation with other people. This led her to become a Certified Relationship Coach to help both couples and individuals and share this whole new way of relating to themselves and each other.

Her mission and life purpose are to help people live healthier lives through amazing relationships with themselves and others. Her life experiences, combined with her long journey of healing, have allowed her to access her wisdom, power, courage, resilience, and deep compassion to hold others in their journey. As she continues to do her own inner work, she continues to reach higher levels of her personal human potential. she looks forward to helping you with yours.

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Free Workshop Declutter Your Life: Making Room for What You Want

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Sherry ‘QueenShe’ Burden where she will help us understand how clutter blocks us from living heaven on earth and easy steps on how to remove those blocks to make room for more of what you want in life.

Sherry is a creative health and wellness expert who delivers high-energy keynote presentations that challenge audiences to pay attention to what matters most in life. Audiences love her stories, energy, tools, and strategies they can apply personally and professionally. Women over 40 love being coached by Sherry, often describing her as the energizer bunny and easy to talk to.

Sherry earned her Health and Life Coach certifications from Health Coach Institute. She has helped her clients lose weight, find purpose in life after a loss, love themselves, attract more of what they want in life and create their own reality. She has created and held health panel discussions, workshops, and online challenges. Her strong background in learning, development, and inspiring people of all ages makes her the perfect fit for any group that wants to live a better life and is ready to develop themselves. Groups or individuals hire Sherry because of her passion to help others and strategies that can help her clients avoid unnecessary stress, guilt, sadness, feeling too old to try new things, distractions, and say ‘NO’ to requests that steal time from personal goals and priorities.

Oh, did we mention that Sherry is ‘Your Creative Health Coach’? Why does that matter? Well, it means that she is continuously providing new ways of approaching situations in life in a healthier way. Here are some other reasons she has this other name: She is a published author, recording artist, blogger, photographer, and video creator. She considers herself a Queen… and really scared of those ‘Queen Bees’.

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webinar Renay Roberts webinar Renay Roberts

Free Workshop: The Journey of Coming Back Home To Self

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Janine Williams who will go over three ways to connect with yourself on a deeper level and end with a guided visualization meditation, which will connect you back home to yourself on a deeper level. Everyone's experience will be different.

Janine Williams is a certified Empowerment Coach and Energy Healer who specializes in working with moms, teachers, nurses, and other front-line heroes who are[beyond] exhausted and have lost their sense of themselves. She guides her clients back home to self, where they will regain their energy, love for life, inner peace, and inner power while opening the channels to their intuition. Having to overcome life-altering challenges of her own and learning how to create the life she desired by going deep within. Janine decided to go back to school in 2019 to become a certified Health and Life Coach, and earning her Mastery as an Empowerment Coach, and Energy Healer has given her the tools to help others do the same. Today Janine offers individual services and is creating group programs where she will be able to assist even more people in coming back home to themselves.

Personal facts: Janine lives in Valrico, Florida, and is married to her soul mate, Mike, for the past 17 years, and they have 2 sons, Alexander and Adam.

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webinar Renay Roberts webinar Renay Roberts

Webinar: Fierce Inner Growth

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Rachel Greb, who will speak about Fierce Inner Growth.

Rachel has a passion for empowering women and helping them find their unique voice. She believes that all women are worthy and deserving of self-love and healthy relationships. Rachel values making this journey accessible and fun so that her clients can achieve their highest potential. Her own journey of self-work makes her an open, understanding, and supportive coach. It’s all about fierce inner growth!

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webinar Renay Roberts webinar Renay Roberts

Webinar: Working from Home Wellness - Arms and Shoulders Self-care

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Morena Protti who will speak about arms and shoulders self-care when working from home.

Morena is a health coach with a background in 3D animation since 2003. Through her health challenges, like endometriosis and work-related repetitive strain Injuries, she has spent the last six years diving into all health-related studies to help herself and others restore her own health and regress her symptoms. She got certified as a Yoga Hatha and Restorative instructor and a health and life coach, and her main focus is on Computer-bound workers who want to improve their health so they can do more in less time and still enjoy things they love.

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webinar Renay Roberts webinar Renay Roberts

Webinar: How to Build a Better Body Image

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Morgan Fazio to discuss how to build a better body image. Did you know that body image has very little to do with how you look and EVERYTHING to do with how you think? Your relationship with yourself? Join this chat to learn how to start ditching body drama (for good) and to start living your life as a fully embodied HUMAN, rather than an object on display.

Morgan is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Personal Trainer, and Intuitive Eating Specialist that works with women to resolve digestive issues, heal hormones, fall in love with exercise, and feel their best WITHOUT diets or militant exercise programs. Her clients find food and body freedom by practicing intuitive eating - an approach that gives us permission to let go of food rules, fear, and guilt that so many women struggle with.

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webinar Renay Roberts webinar Renay Roberts

Webinar: Getting to Know Your Pain

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Tiffany West, who will bring us a fresh awareness of chronic pain and how to approach it in a refreshing way that is not commonly taught.

You will develop a deeper understanding of why it's there and how to maintain an inner sense of joy & contentment throughout what can feel like a hopeless journey towards healing it.

We all deserve to feel good. So many people are suffering from physical, mental, and emotional anguish with no hope or direction for a way out. Medication and other modalities can be effective temporarily. However, they're not getting down to the root cause of the dis-ease or providing people with long-term solutions for true healing.

Although pain is very real, suffering from it is optional. Tiffany will shed new light on how to move through suffering and finally feel at ease in body, mind, and heart. JOY is our natural state of being, and she's on a mission to keep guiding herself and others back home through any painful circumstance. We've been hurting long enough, it's time to live freely and improve the quality of our lives!

Tiffany is the Founder & CEO of Interior Health Design LLC, an inner wellness company that promotes healthy living from the inside out. She's a Certified Life Coach helping people heal from chronic pain naturally by deepening the connection with themselves and their bodies. She adores serving others and finds the most joy in nature, cooking, dancing, meditation, being a mom, and healing her body.

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webinar Renay Roberts webinar Renay Roberts

Webinar: Battle the Burnout

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Katrina Houghton who will teach us about burnout and how to cope with it.

Katrina is a Registered Reflexology Therapist and holds certifications as a Reiki Master, Therapeutic Hot Stone Massage Practitioner, and Health and Lifestyle Coach. With a love for speaking and over a decade of experience in coaching women to success, she enriches women’s lives by teaching ways to embrace life, find and create balance and alignment, and most importantly, love who you are, who you’ve become, and where you are headed.

She loves wine, dark chocolate and strong coffee, weight lifting and clean eating, her husband and three daughters, weekend adventures, the color pink, and everything sparkle!

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webinar Renay Roberts webinar Renay Roberts

Webinar: The Science of Sleep - Why It's Important and How to Achieve a Good Night's Rest

Do you find it hard to fall asleep? Do you wake up in the early hours and find it hard to go back to sleep? Do you wake feeling tired and groggy and not fully refreshed? If any of these resonate with you, then this is the workshop for you! A good night's sleep is key to great health, vitality, peak performance, weight maintenance, and moods. So many of us don't get enough or good enough quality sleep, and our well-being and health suffers. So come and learn some critical sleep facts; the impact on our bodies of not getting enough, and what you can do about it! Come away with some practical tips to get the most restful night's sleep ever!

Join Renay Roberts, Founder of Nourish to Live Rx, and learn why sleep is so important and what you can do to get a good night's rest.

Renay is a registered health & functional nutrition coach who helps men and women over 40 who struggle with low energy and have trouble sleeping. She helps develop healthy habits to gain energy, sleep better, lose weight, and maintain a healthy lifestyle without dieting. She provides 1:1 and group coaching using a holistic approach that aligns mindset with food and body so that you can heal, live fully, and feel amazing.

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webinar Renay Roberts webinar Renay Roberts

Webinar: Our Emotions - Are you Ready to Feel Good More Often?

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Stacey Wales, who will talk about emotions and teach us how to feel good more often.

Stacey is a Structure & Success Coach, working with creative entrepreneurs and coaches, helping them find CLARITY in themselves, feeling EMPOWERED in their business/career, and OBTAIN success in a life they love. Stacey is personable and passionate about working with you to uncover your vision, get unstuck, and take empowered action towards your dreams. She lives in Houston, Texas, and is a certified health and life coach, a wellness advocate, dancer, and loves to be with family and friends, including her dog Pepper..

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webinar Renay Roberts webinar Renay Roberts

Webinar: Reduce Stress to Empower Your Finances

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Allison Pilling, who will teach how to reduce stress to empower our finances.

Success is 25% of what you are doing and 75% of who you are being. Allison will guide you with some quick tips and tricks to learn how to reduce your stress so you can feel empowered making financial decisions. She will work on strategies to help you feel confident to make clear, intentional financial decisions.

Allison is fascinated with orcas, listens to heavy metal music, loves napping and traveling to new places. She's a mom with two kids, a widow, Life Coach focused on Money Mindset coaching, and a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate. After her husband's death, she decided to "retire" from environmental engineering to take time to focus on her family's healing journey. She has focused on transforming her life from feeling stuck in survival mode to embracing empowered living.

She works with people who are ready to rediscover life after loss. She helps them to release fears and build confidence to embrace their empowered life.

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webinar Renay Roberts webinar Renay Roberts

Webinar: Essential Oils Basics!

Are you wondering what essential oils can do for you? Join me as I welcome guest speaker Jodie Rogers, who will teach us the basics of essential oils. Come and discover the natural benefits of these "gifts of the earth."

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webinar Renay Roberts webinar Renay Roberts

Webinar: Learn Amazing Things About Cannabis & Your Health

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Lisa Lewis, who will teach us amazing things about cannabis and your health.

The truth is, very few drugs have a more undeserved stigma than marijuana/medical cannabis. Lisa will step in to roll up these myths and set them ablaze. Come and chill with Lisa as she breaks down what cannabis does and the role it can play in your healthy life. Gain some insight into the science behind cannabis, what it does do and what it doesn't.

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webinar Renay Roberts webinar Renay Roberts

Spring Clean Your Routine for a Better You

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Jody Hay, who will speak about midlife and how mindset can affect how we approach the second half of our lives.

Often when women enter their 40’s and beyond, there can be a sudden sort of panic that ensues as we realize that we are entering the second half of our lives. We start to question, “Am I happy?”, “Am I living the life I want to live?”, “Who am I beyond a mother, partner, daughter, employee?”

The term midlife crisis is often used to describe this period. However, what if we looked at it differently? What if we said it’s not a midlife crisis; it’s a midlife AWAKENING?!

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webinar Renay Roberts webinar Renay Roberts

Webinar: 6 Ways to Go from Stuck to Unstoppable

Join me as I welcome guest speaker Jody Hay, who will speak about midlife and how mindset can affect how we approach the second half of our lives.

Often when women enter their 40’s and beyond, there can be a sudden sort of panic that ensues as we realize that we are entering the second half of our lives. We start to question, “Am I happy?”, “Am I living the life I want to live?”, “Who am I beyond a mother, partner, daughter, employee?”

The term midlife crisis is often used to describe this period. However, what if we looked at it differently? What if we said it’s not a midlife crisis; it’s a midlife AWAKENING?!

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